Our pages are designed so that they can be viewed at the standard screen resolution of 800 x 600 pixels and page structure is conveyed using header elements.
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and Divs to replace Traditional Tables are used with relative font sizes on all text with the exception of graphical text.
Text can be increased or decreased in size by using the “view” option in your browser or by holding the ‘Alt’ key and using your Mouse Wheel.
All important Images have alternative text. Images used for decorative purposes have the alternative text left blank.
The site has been tested to ensure that it is accessible in a wide range of browsers.
On each page a ‘skip to main content’ link allows direct access past the navigation bars to the page’s main content, which should make navigation easier if you are using the keyboard or other input device to browse.
To learn more about web accessibility visit the RNIB Web Access Centre Click here
To obtain a copy of the screen reader JAWS Click here.