BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES is committed to equality diversity and inclusion. We have a large number of counsellors from diverse backgrounds. Please see Our Counsellors Page to read about the different counsellors. If you wish to work with a particular counsellor please contact us and we can discuss with you their availability. Many of our counsellors also speak different languages, to see a list please take a look at our languages page.
Please see below a statement on our commitment to Equality, Diversity & Inclusion.
BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES has adopted equality, diversity and inclusion as core values and places all its policy development in the context of the objectives of:
- ensuring that all individuals who come into contact with CITIZEN COACHING, whether as employees, clients, participants in courses, customers or in other capacities, are treated with dignity and respect,
- providing a safe, supportive and welcoming environment for staff, volunteers, clients, participant in courses, customers and visitors.
BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES seeks through all its policies and actions to be a genuinely inclusive organisation. The objective is to integrate the principles of equal treatment and promotion of diversity into all aspects of BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES’s day-to-day life.
Defining equality, diversity and inclusion
Equal treatment involves much more than simply treating everyone alike; it requires a recognition that some groups and individuals have particular and specific needs that need to be met if they are to enjoy equal access to the services offered by BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES. We recognise that BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES may need to provide its services in a range of different or more flexible ways, in order to ensure genuine equality of access or opportunity for groups and individuals who approach those services from a position of persistent and longstanding disadvantage.
Valuing diversity involves an acknowledgement of the benefits and intrinsic worth derived from the range of difference within our community, and fostering it as a strength. We aim to celebrate and to value the differences between individuals’ cultural, social and intellectual contribution to BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES and will seek to promote greater mutual understanding between groups and individuals who reflect these differences, and will seek to utilise the talents and experiences that each and every individual can bring to the institution.
Inclusion involves BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES and its staff in designing and operating flexible services, practices and procedures that take appropriate account of the needs of clients, staff, visitors and others.
Legal framework
BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES endorses wholeheartedly the principles of the Equality Act 2010 and is committed to the positive promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion amongst all members of BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES community. To achieve this BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES will:
- ensure that no unlawful discrimination occurs in the conduct of BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES’s work;
- advance equality of opportunity between people who share the ‘protected characteristics’ that are listed below, and all other members of BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES community;
- foster positive relations between people who share the ‘protected characteristics’ and those who do not.
BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES will give protection against unfair discrimination on the grounds of:
- age
- disability
- ethnicity (including race, colour and nationality)
- gender
- gender reassignment
- marriage or civil partnership
- pregnancy or maternity
- religion, belief
- sexual orientation.
BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES recognises that equality issues are complex, and that it has responsibilities to others, including, but not limited to, people with caring responsibilities.
BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES is a small and functionally diverse organisation operating in a local and national context. We expect all staff, volunteers, visitors, partners and contractors to behave in accordance with this policy and to have regard for BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES’s values.
Roles and Responsibilities
- ensure that the aims and the values embodied in this policy statement are appropriately reflected in all job descriptions, person specifications and annual personal development reviews;
- have due regard to equality issues in all decision-making;
- investigate whether any groups, including people with ’protected characteristics’, have particular needs in relation to accessing services;
- ensure that due consideration is given to equality, diversity and inclusion within their own sphere of influence;
- promote an environment where respect is shown to all, and mutual understanding is fostered;
- challenge any actions or behaviour which is in conflict with the values and principles laid down in this policy;
- ensure staff and clients, and customes know how to report any instances of discrimination, bullying and harassment without fear of victimisation;
- deal with complaints fairly, thoroughly, quickly and confidentially.
- promote equality, diversity and inclusion in all learning settings
- All visitors to BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES, together with those contracted to work at, or for, BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES (including those with honorary contracts) will be expected to comply with this policy.
- BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES’s main office in Birmingham is accessible for wheelchairs.
- BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES uses a number of satellite offices to increase accessibility for clients living in different areas.
All those accessing services through BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES have a right to equality of access to services, regardless of their background or situation, and for special needs to be taken into consideration.
Access to Counselling
The following principles will underlie the provision of our counselling service:
- Counselling clients have a right to express a preference as to the gender they wish to work with.
- All those accessing a service will be respected as individuals and BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES will seek to ensure that their dignity, individuality, rights and responsibility will be safeguarded.
- Whenever possible, counselling will be available in the client’s own language, or if possible interpretation will be arranged. Please contact the office for details.
- Written information can be made available in large print when requested.
- In planning the location of counselling rooms, the Organisation will recognise issues of accessibility.
- Premises will, wherever possible, meet the demands of people with a disability.
- The Organisation will not tolerate actions of colleagues or clients which may be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise discriminatory.
Access to Training Courses & Customers of BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES
- All those accessing training courses with BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES or any purchasing any other services will be respected as individuals and BIRMINGHAM COUNSELLING SERVICES will seek to ensure that their dignity, individuality, rights and responsibility will be safeguarded.
- Written information can be made available in large print when requested.
- In planning the location of training rooms, the Organisation will recognise issues of accessibility.
- Premises will, wherever possible, meet the demands of people with a disability.
- The Organisation will not tolerate actions of colleagues or course participants which may be racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic or otherwise discriminatory.